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Journal Articles and Book Chapters

“Social Capital Facilitates Emergent Social Learning”, Review of Austrian Economics, Forthcoming. (with Virgil Henry Storr)

“Economists, Ethics, and Exemplars”, Social Philosophy and Policy, Forthcoming.

“Neoclassical Economic Approaches to Economic Sociology”, in International Handbook of Economic Sociology, ed. Milan Zafirovski. London: Routledge, 2023. (with Nathan P. Goodman)

“Freedom in context: A review essay of The Dialectics of Liberty, The Review of Austrian Economics, 2022.

“Disaster Challenges and Entrepreneurial Responses”, in Handbook on the Economics of Natural Disasters, ed. Mark Skidmore. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022. (with Virgil Henry Storr and Stefanie Haeffele)

“Is social capital underproduced?”, Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice, 2022, 37(1): 123-147. (with Virgil Henry Storr)

“Commercial Social Spaces in the Post-Disaster Context”, Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy, 2020, 9(3):303-317. (with Stefanie Haeffele)

“Social Capital and Social Justice: Why Liberalism is Essential”, Journal of Private Enterprise, 2019, 34(1):59-73. (with Nathan Goodman)

“Entrepreneurs and Disaster Recovery”, Citizens and Statesmen, 11, 2018, 75-90. (with Stefanie Haeffele)

Works in Progress

“Gender, Social Capital, and the COVID-19 Pandemic” with Stefanie Haffele

“Gender as an Institution” with Nathan P. Goodman

“Firm Size, Institutional Quality, and Productivity in India: An Agent-Based Approach” with Zachary Kessler